Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Release the Madness!

The words “writhe” and “release” twist and tangle in the morning’s breeze distracting me in the most beautiful way.

Release day is upon us and the sun in my world burns bright and troublingly hot.



All those tiresome things that strangle me more times than not are already having a field day this morning.

*angrily sighs*

I get awful tired of me from time to time.

*shivers and gets her crap together*

While Writhe will not hit the bookshelves for a few hours yet, I will not bombard you with promotional teases or pleas to throw a few coins my book’s way (that blog post will come later today *innocently grins*).  I will however give you newbie authors out there a taste of how release day operates for me.

*chairs scrape as 99% of the audience rises and hurries toward the exits*

Ignoring all such clattering like a girl with delusions of grandeur must, I begin…

1) Check Ravenous Romance’s website (www.ravenousromance.com) every few minutes until I see “Writhe by Chloe Stowe” blazing across their homepage as the Book of the Day. (Usually this occurs somewhere around the 11am hour.)

2) Shoot off fast and furious tweets to my followers announcing the initial outing of book #15.  

3) Start the laborious task of posting in all my groups around the web spreading the good word along with a link back to Ravenous (the only place at this early hour for them to buy my masterpiece.)

4) Write and post a “Special Edition” blog complete with official blurb, cover and loooong juicy excerpt for those hungry.

5) After obsessively checking the various ebook suppliers for Writhe’s arrival, I will start peppering out word of my baby’s availability at each of the major outlets. All Romance Ebooks usually comes first with Amazon pulling in the caboose.

6) Once a fair amount of outlets are selling Writhe, I craft the lone promotional email I will send to all my friends and contacts on Facebook, Google, etc. (I never send more than one email to these lists, EVER. They only receive email from me on the day of release of one of my novels. Being thought of as spam is what you’re trying to avoid. So be very creative and as personal in each letter as rationally possible.)

7) Continue checking Ravenous Romance’s Best Selling List. This has been going on rather obsessively since the 11am release, never mind the fact that Ravenous does not update their Best Selling List on any kind of schedule or regularity I’ve been able to figure out over the years. (The OCD tendencies are really out of control with this, but such is life as a crazy person, I suppose. *lol*)

8) Drop exhausted to the bed convinced not one single person in the entire universe has bought my book. Frank, my specter of Writhe’s imminent failure, has by this point reappeared and offered marriage.

Ok, boys and girls, let the madness begin!!!

Until the Special Edition Blog this afternoon…


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