Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Tied to the Bumper, Going for a Ride

Lashed down to a giant intertube, computer strapped to my lap, I scream for mercy as a snowmobile drags my clueless butt through the Italian Alps.




Then right.

I’ve got no control over the situation. Where we go, how we go, if we get there in one piece: are all variables I’ve got zero say in.

Through the woods, buzzing pine trees, we finally fly out of the forest. A ski lodge sits invitingly on the hillside. Warm and cozy, promising hot chocolate and sweet treats, I begin to relax, enjoy the ride a bit…

(Yeah, we all know that’s not going to happen.)

Sharp 90 degree turn and we’re heading to the river!

Running fast and so brutally cold it hurts to look at, the water is a barrier between us and a tiny little cabin puffing out curly-cues of smoke. A Pizza Hut delivery van has just pulled up into its driveway. I can almost smell the cheese. Who the f**k cares if I get wet, get me to that pizza!

With a cackle of truly evil laughter, the snowmobile swerves into a terrifying right hand turn!

And what’s now in front of us?

The same freaking forest we just left!


*breathes deeply through my nose and out of my mouth*


*and again*

There. That’s better. Sanity re-engaged.

This childish little trip through the Italian Alps has been brought to you by my short story “Sicily.”

After working on it today, I’m convinced that I’m simply tied to its bumper. I go wherever it chooses to go that day.

“Through the woods, buzzing pines” = basic m/m romance, heavy on the hot

“The ski lodge” = historical m/m romance, a touch of angst on the side

“The cabin with the pizza” = money-making heaven where I don’t care what the story’s about as long as I get paid loads.

Beyond that I really can’t explain where little “Sicily” is taking me and my intertube. I’m simply along for the ride.

You, however, are allowed to get off here.

I wish you well.

I wish you pizza.

Until tomorrow…


P.S. Apologies for this post, truly. It just sort of happened. A return to normalcy tomorrow.

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