Friday, April 25, 2014

The Night of the Many Tissues

Although off to a slow and bumpy start, Friday is here and aren’t we glad? *smiles long and lazily*

I actually slept in this morning, an extremely rare feat that had less to do with my enjoying a good snooze than the allergies that tackled my nose last night. Nearly two hours of middle of the night sneezing lends itself to late starts.

Surprisingly, the late afternoon news of a literary agent asking to see my work (EEEK!!) did not send me off into a downward spiral of panic. (A little nausea and light-headedness is to be expected even with normal minds, right?)

Anyhow, the plan is to write the agent back today and tell her the following, more or less…

 “I’d love for you to have a look at my stuff (“stuff” will not be used here, of course; neither will “genius” *lol*). I’d like to take this weekend to get everything fancied up (again, word replacement desperately needed), so that I can send you my portfolio (my oeuvre? my literary take on the romance genre? *smirks*) on Monday.”

Well, you get the picture.

This will allow me time to get my s**t together and, hopefully, not embarrass myself too much when I shove a whole bunch of Chloe Stowe onto her unsuspecting lap.

Sounds like a plan, right?

So, after blogging and perhaps forcing some food down to my uncooperative stomach, I’ll get that done.

Then, I’m off to the see my doctor for a scheduled mental health check. (How ironic is that timing, huh?)

Then, I need to write back to MM Good Book Reviews who’d like to do an interview with me to coincide with the release of “Ravenscar” in June.

At that point, I will collapse and my always insightful dog will write this evening’s blog.

Throw in a bit of sneezing and the ever-present freaking out and I’d say my day is done.


Now, where did I put that darn air sick bag?

Until tonight…


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