Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Forbidden Couch

Robby the Robot.
Leslie Nielsen, a very young and very serious Mr. Nielsen to be precise, has dropped by again for breakfast at Chloe’s. This time instead of captaining a doomed oceanliner with topsy-turvy tendencies, he is heading up a spaceship on a rescue mission to a “Forbidden Planet.”

Walter Pidgeon, Anne Francis and Robby the Robot have also tagged along. Let’s just say that Robby is not amused with Frank. Apparently specters of imminent failure are beneath him.


Hopefully, word on Writhe will arrive today. I’m just a teensy bit anxious to get the novel out there on the market (SIDE NOTE: the previous sentence was a scandalous understatement that even has Robby’s circuits sparking into chuckles.)

Meanwhile, my foray into late 18th century fashion is almost complete. I have somehow managed to retain a thread of sanity through this exploration of mob caps, Jesuits and spatterdashes.

In other “Six Brothers” news, I’ve found a literary agent to query if I go with a more romantic telling of the story. Good to know there’s interest out there for this period, but I still don’t know about making it a true romance.  We’ll just have to see once I start pinpointing the storyline. I’ll keep you updated.

I need to chip away at “Sicily” today. If the sun would ever come back out it would help that pursuit tremendously. A love story in Italy desperately needs sunshine.

Let’s all hope tonight I’ll be able to report progress on Writhe’s release. Boring you with the antics of my couch crew must get mighty tiresome for you. Speaking of which…

Robby and Frank have initiated combat over the specter’s spot on the sofa. Since Robby the Robot cannot sit (he’s a truly stand-up guy *giggles at the never-ending wit*) and Frank doesn’t really exist, I don’t see what the problem is. But ever the good hostess, I need to go break it up before my 15 pound dog turns toothy and decides to take them both out.

Wish the Chloe household luck.

Until tonight…


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