Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Spoofing the Positive

This glass is half full.
Alive but not completely functional, I am here!

*waits for the thunderous applause to die down*

*ignores the occasional boos and hisses*

After a frantic evening of tornado prep, which included but was not limited to: cramming everything of dire importance into an already stuffed walk-in closet, filling up 6 big jugs of water for drinking and hygiene purposes, freaking my dog out completely by putting her harness and leash in said-closet, boiling eggs and descending into rational panic… I am pooped.

Thankfully, we only had one real scare when a tornado was reported on the ground with 165mph winds moving our way.  Yep, fun stuff. (By the way, that was the tornado that ended up taking a chunk out of Athens, Alabama and killing 2 people. Why my parents insist on living in north Alabama I have zero idea. *sighs*)

Another day of meteorological mayhem is on tap for this afternoon and into tonight, so the amount of actual work I get done will most likely border on the slim to none. But we’ll see.

On the work front, I was notified by AOL this morning that my work email account that had been hacked two weeks ago, had in fact only been “spoofed.”

Well, that makes that sooooo much better.

At least, the fault was not on my end. Apparently 2 percent of all AOL accounts were affected by the security breach and spoofed.

Bottom line: I am not infected.

There is no virus running rampant though silently through my system just waiting to strike again.

That’s all good and we’re going to concentrate on the good… not the trouble it caused.

See, this is me thinking positive.


Feels kind of creepy, doesn’t it? *lol*

Until tonight…


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