Monday, February 17, 2014

The Game is on! Picture Story #1
Picture Story #1 (click photo to link to Pinterest)
As Monday peters out, I am relieved to report that as of 5:25pm I have not received a rejection from Dreamspinner Press for my much-ballyhooed short story “Ravenscar” yet. Hope remains alive for another day it seems! Champagne and bon-bons anyone?

Lots and lots of work done on my “Lion and Steed” novel this afternoon. Zero work done on the short story “Sicily,” but the night is still young.

I had a little more construction work done at my house this afternoon, so I’m emotionally wiped, which is pitiful, embarrassing and another reason to reach for the bubbly… Kidding.

Anyhow, I mention this tidbit of my psychological woes to explain, or maybe excuse would be a better word, my utter lack of spice and pizzazz in tonight’s blog. I’m drained. I feel like a flat bicycle tire flapping around noisily on its quickly wearing rim.

So to try to pump me up (see what I did there? The flat tire? The pumping it up?... Yeah, I told you I was freaking tired), I’ve picked out an old photograph I’ve found on Pinterest and decided to brainstorm a story off of it.

Call it a writing exercise, maybe a visual prompt. Whatever the heck it is, maybe one of us will learn something from it – or at least have a hardy chuckle over my nonsense.

So, here are the rules. Everyone, please, feel free to play along, publicly or privately…

           -The story must be based directly off of the picture above.

           -Every day, you must add one, and only one, sentence to the story.

           -Each new sentence must continue from the previous day’s sentence.

           -Strive for something. Either creativity, mystery, power, a certain atmosphere or humor. Your choice just make each sentence worthwhile to the story.

           -Even if you hate the picture or where your story is going, stick with it for a week. After seven sentences if you hate it, drop it. No big loss.

           -The most important rule is… enjoy!

Alright, I think I’ve embarrassed myself enough for the evening. I’ll leave you all to it, with my own first sentence to the picture story below.

Until tomorrow when hopefully brain cells have grown back…


My sentence to the picture story… “Do you remember this day?” the voice, weary and cracked, dissolved into the din of noise like sugar into his mama’s iced tea.

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