Saturday, February 22, 2014

A Piranha at My Toes

As evening drifts down from the Saturday skies, this blog lies in wait for me like a hungry pariah demanding writer toes for its dinner…

Yes, well, you can see what kind of blog this is going to be. Lol

I’ve done moderate work today on my novel for Ravenous Romance due on March 15. I’ve finally connected my big opening scene with the all-important second scene in a manner which does not make me cringe and threaten to send my computer through the window. Big step, that is.

I’m sure you writers out there know the feeling. You’ve got two conversations/action sequences/etc. that you are really, really thrilled with, but finding a way to put them together without defiling the integrity of either scene can be a real pain in the arse (Oops. British grand dame currently taking up too much space in my head snuck out of the attic, there. Apologies.)

Anyway, the pain in the ASS connector is now done and I can move on with a smile on my face and a spring to my step.

I’ll more than likely dabble with the “Sicily” short story tonight. Maybe toss around some dialogue and see how Damiano and Briggs take to it. I might even start on sketching out Damiano’s mother, a character who may or may not play a significant role in the story. I’ll see how I like her. If I do like working with her I may tinker with the storyline a bit…

I always feel like a movie director at this point in the process. Although, I guess I’m still at the casting stage with her. I’ll have my assistant look at a few headshots and weed out the keepers. (The fact that I, of course, have no assistant should concern no one at this point. Unlike the British grand dame in the attic, Maximillian, the assistant, does not actually exist… *grins*)

Now that I’ve frightened off a good number of you kind folk, I’ll take my craziness and get the heck out of Dodge for the night. I will, however, return. Just as Sheriff Matt Dillon always returned to his Miss Kitty in “Gunsmoke,” Chloe Stowe will ride right back into your lives tomorrow... but hopefully I won’t be wearing a big arse cowboy hat.

Until then…


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