Friday, October 9, 2015


Peeking is allowed.

It may not be spelled out for you in your “Congratulations! You are a Romance Writer” papers, but a wandering eye is permitted.

A look-and-see at other genres (yes, there are other genres) is oftentimes wise.. Keeping an eye on what fads are currently scorching the pages of sci-fi, paranormal, YA or just “vanilla” popular fiction will give you a heads up on the trends the publishing marketing is currently buzzing over.

Use this info.

You may have to be sneaky about it, but you can play on the day’s reading fashion.

For instance, if werewolves were the theme du jour and you are a romance writer who wouldn’t touch paranormal storylines with a ten foot pole, set your love story at a Werewolf Film Festival, or have one of your leads hold a PhD in Late Middle Ages Studies with their “niche” being the Werewolf Witch Trials of the early 15th century.

Then, sell it.

Sell that connection like it’s going out of style… because it most probably is.

Peek, act, and sell.

Got it?


Now, get to it.


Until tomorrow…


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