Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Camel in the Machine

Wry congratulations are in order. Please prepare your eye-rolls.

Yesterday, after depositing another 800 words into The Hushing Days literary bank, I turned my attentions to my new penname’s website and its new gardening blog. (“Cora’s Garden” will hopefully be debuting this week at )

Despite my undeniable idiocy when it comes to website design, I went into it with great enthusiasm and a never say die attitude.

I did.


After two hours of relatively small but significant progress (the home page’s “under construction” sign is gone with reasonably intelligent writing and stuff taking its place), I haughtily began adding pages to the site.

Each blog got its own page and I even set up a clever “The Garden Players” page for the who’s who in this year’s garden-to-be. Yep, all was fine and dandy and looking rather professional, I must say.

Then, I tried it out.


The “Cora’s Garden” page sends visitors to an old, old, old version of the Cora Sands website sporting a camel and a desert… not good for a Florida gardening blog written by an American Revolution-era historical romance author.

And it remains not good as a day later I still can’t figure out why or how this time-travelling glitch is happening. I’m hoping it will fix itself, because today is Super Bowl Sunday and I am NOT dealing with that kind of crap!

*deep breaths, deep breaths*

Oh, and that wry congratulations I promised would be in order? Well, here it is…

After the third and fourth hours of camel-gate, I did NOT fling the computer into the mulch pile and stomp on it like a bratty, tantrum-ing child.

Please insert wry congratulations here.

Thank you.

Until tomorrow…


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