Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Down the Cornflower Hole

Only I would stumble upon a black hole tinted a lovely cornflower blue.

Hard science aside (and really, when has hard science ever darkened this blog’s doorstep?), this is truly a worrisome discovery.

As always, I was completely innocent in this debacle. A guiltless, well-meaning soul who was simply trying to make the world a brighter, lighter place. *sighs pitifully*

Here is what happened…

Yesterday, after my 800 words of The Hushing Days was put in the books, I turned my attention to my new penname (remember dear Cora?) and her soon-to-be released gardening blog (the ill-fated “Cora’s Garden” which had just Tuesday rid itself of a stray camel). Yeah, that one.

Anyhow, as all the framework and design of the blog had finally been set up, I began working on the actual writing of the thing. I started with adding to my “Garden Players” list the lovely Cornflower.

Meant only to be a brief outline of what to expect from this garden visitor (i.e. bloom duration, height, etc.), it rapidly turned into a scathing expose on the poor plant.

Digging for some interesting tidbits to throw in with the cold, hard facts led me (your intrepid OCD blogger) into the dreaded Black Hole of Research.

Yep, I was sucked right into it. Before I could so much as whimper an objection, I was trapped in the I MUST KNOW EVERYTHING of my OCD tendencies.

For instance, did you know the Cornflower is also called the Hurtsickle and is the official flower of Estonia? A better question might be, do you care?

And so it went.

My afternoon was swallowed up in a black hole tinted a lovely cornflower blue.

Really, how utterly ridiculous is that?

Until tomorrow…


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