Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Throw Chloe from a Train

As the sun rises over northern Florida, a close inspection of my Wednesday would find Fred MacMurray telling a tale of murder and sex into a voice recorder while Barbara Stanwyck adjusts her truly terribly blonde wig in my bathroom mirror. We’re all awaiting Edward G. Robinson’s imminent arrival, except for the man on the crutches who has just been thrown from a train…

So what classic is keeping me company today?

The answer is… Billy Wilder’s 1944 masterpiece “Double Indemnity.”

Now that the quiz section of this morning’s program is thankfully over, shall we get down to business?

*madly shakes head while pleading “No, no, no…”*

Nope, I don’t want to work.

I want to play.

I want Writhe to be done and on its way to Ravenous Romance.

I want to get back to my short story “Sicily” for Carina Press. (No, the poor kid hasn’t been forgotten altogether. He’s just playing in the backyard. I’ll be calling him back inside next week.)

I want Writhe to be an astounding success.

I want people clamoring for more Chloe Stowe.

I want to be financially independent at least once in my life.

I want…

Yeah, I better stop there. I’ll let you fill in the rest of the blanks for me. I’m unnerved by voicing my wants. I like to stick more to wishes.

Leaving these things in the capable hands of a fairy godmother or on the tail of a shooting star seems a hell of a lot smarter than leaving them up to me.


Yeah, apparently, it’s going to be one of those kind of days.

God help us all.


Until tonight…


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