Saturday, March 22, 2014

The "Hunting Quail" Pitfall

The dangers of having Obsessive-Compulsive tendencies when you are a writer are tenfold. However, it is in one particular pitfall I found myself falling face first into this afternoon.


It really started off very innocently.

A story idea popped up in my head.

I chased it down like a hunting dog after a quail. (SIDE NOTE: I have no idea if this analogy/simile/whatever works or not. I am not a hunter. I have never even seen a quail, although in Morocco I may have eaten one but that’s an entirely different story.)

Unfortunately, this old hunting dog got lost in the bushes for several hours chasing down fleas and finally had to be pulled out by her scrubby tail.

Bushes = Research.

Clueless Dog = Me.

And there you have it, folks. I have spent the bulk of my day doing research for a short story I may or may not ever write.

We’re talking about stupid research here. Little detailed stuff nobody would give a crap about. Fleas, in another word. Fleas.


Sometimes life with OCD tendencies is a real bitch with fleas. *winks*

Until tomorrow…


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