Friday, October 30, 2015

The Family Tether

When one is tied down by neither significant other nor child, steadily paying job nor prospect of one a soul bows to the wishes of wind.

If I was feeling rather down on myself, I’d liken my situation to that huge NORAD blimp that broke free of its tether this week. Bouncing around Pennsylvania causing momentary annoyance but no lasting, well, anything, I could claim ownership to the same dull, slow mayhem… that is, if I was feeling particularly useless, well-imagined but full of nothing but hot air.

Yes, I could blimp myself right now.

But you know what? I won’t.

I refuse the tag.

I toss it out on its inflated ear and wish it to quickly pop.

So there.

*pauses as audience scratches their heads, their fingers hovering over the “Go Away” buttons on computer or mobile*

While I may not be wife, girlfriend, mother, employee nor income tax paying citizen, I am a daughter and a darn good one at that. It is this role, this beautiful tether, I will be answering to this coming week.

So once again the daily blogs will be sporadic affairs that might appear morning, noon or night. I truly apologize for that.

However, I do not apologize for my family tether. I will rejoice in it… and enjoy the ride over the Pennsylvania countryside.

Until tomorrow…


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