With the end of the month upon us, I proudly present to you my grab bag
of blog scraps!
Try as they might, these little tidbits of posting ideas could never
quite bulk up enough to become a full blog. Perhaps one or two of these might
be of some use. Enjoy… or dispose of accordingly.
1.) When creating characters for a new story, I inevitably turn to
contemporary actors for my male roles. They act as placeholders until my own
fictional fleshing out occurs.
2.) On the other hand, when creating female characters for a new project,
silent movie actresses are called upon as the seat-fillers. Delving into the
reasons for this discrepancy I leave to my psychiatrist.
3.) Every query letter seems to require a different length of synopsis.
Understandable, I suppose. I’m flexible. I was a gymnast. I can deal. However…
4.) Why does my 3 paragraph synopsis sound like its describing an
entirely different book than my 5 paragraph synopsis? Don’t even get me started
on my 1 paragraph summary versus the colossal 2 pager. Excuse me, but… AARGH!
5.) With all this querying, crafting, researching and worrying about
said-querying, etc., my brain feels like a limp lasagna noodle. Just saying.
Until tomorrow…